Effy Nails

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Be a goat and jump over the gate

I had a poll on this in stories the other day and 57% voted that YES THE NAIL INDUSTRY IS GATE KEEPY (just reply to this email with your IG handle and I’ll add you to my nail tech Close Friends)

I originally said, “l LiKe tO tHinK ThAt It iSn’T GaTe-KeEpY”, but after some reflection on the last 10+ years of being in Berlin, I started to remember times of being conveniently left out of conversations and uninvited from certain rooms. YIKES!

But you know what I say to that?!

Eff it. Be an alchemist.

Be the one that changes it.

Be SO HELLBENT on changing the way things are in the industry, that you don't even need that gate to be opened. Kick that thing down or be the GOAT and jump over it (and then open it for others)

What do I mean when I’m saying stuff like this?

This is an industry of an abundance of PEOPLE -

“My clients were stolen”, “My clients cheated on me” Nope. That’s not a thing. Clients go where they wanna go. But you CAN be a magnet for YOUR people.

An abundance in TIME -

We choose our schedules and decide when take a break at the drop of a hat, go on holiday or attend a friends wedding, if we want to.

An abundance in CREATIVITY -

We are our own business builders, path sculptors, nail art designers, experience curators.

An abundance in MONEY -

Your clients have it for their favourite things in life (ever heard of the lipstick effect?) and as for brands?- they have loads of it!

Gate keeping (more like scarcity mindset) is not how you grow your biz, or even more importantly - you. Tap into that abundance baby!

Oil your cuticles,


PS. Reply to this email with your insta handle and I’ll add you to my nail tech Close Friends

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